
No shadow on left menu

arx-it opened this issue · 3 comments

When I set the menu on the left, there's no shadow.

Anyone ever tried this?

I don't see a shadow on a left menu, nor does it hide the status bar. Here's my code to set it up:

var root = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController;

SidebarController = new SidebarController(root, this, new MenuViewController());
SidebarController.HasShadowing = true;
SidebarController.StatusBarMoves = true;
SidebarController.MenuLocation = SidebarController.MenuLocations.Left;

this.MenuButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { SidebarController.ToggleMenu(); };

In this code, this is a UITabBarController.

I am using version 1.8.

I figured this out. If the menu is going to be on the left side, the SidbarController needs to set the ShadowOffset to new SizeF(0, 0) instead of new SizeF(5, 0).

If my thinking is correct, the shadow is there, but it is offset 5 points under the content view.

I'll make a PR for this in a few minutes.

Thanks for reporting this issue and for the pull request!