
changing the design of nodes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, hope you are doing well

I wonder how could I change the design from its default to something like in the picture?
I tried editing some elements on the template folder in source code, but the problem is when I deploy the chart on heroku, it rebuild it with default settings.


if there is better way to fully edit the design ( colors, fonts, etc.. ) I would really thankful to show it how.
for example: how can I change the title blue background?
I read the API refrence for OrgChartConfig and found a "itemtitleColor" , but when I pass it to config file with for example "ff0000" color, it doesn't get applied

Hi, thanks.

You need to take a look at the following sample:

We recommend this way of item templates customization. Just don't forget to replace

import { OrgDiagram } from '../Diagrams';


import { OrgDiagram } from 'basicprimitivesreact';

You modified the built-in template used when a developer does not provide any templates at all.

Look at our react-demo repository. It is an end-to-end ReactJS application having the Redux store for state management. You may find it more helpful for ad-hock application development.

Hi again,
I added the "template" config option to the config object. everything works fine, but the buttons doesn't get rendered.
I checked the demo on this link and here the buttons doesn't get rendered when we click on a user.