
New (2020) website OK Lab Karlsruhe

Primary LanguageCSS


New (2020) website OK Lab Karlsruhe

Live version, still work in progress here

This is a modified copy of the projected new codefor.de website which is online, but still under development. I tried to keep the same look-and-feel.

Is using hugo, a stitc site generator. I have modivied the config to support 2 languages (de and en). Translations are there (tx to Google) but need to be improved. Also, some content relates only to the main codefor.de site ans has to be removed or modfied for the OK lab KA.

It supports to load the event schedule from a json file from github at runtime, so we don't need to recompile just to update events.

For developing you need to get the extended hugo site generator from here, make sure to use version >= 0.64

Then go to the base directory (the one with the config.yaml file) and run

hugo server -D

to start development.

To deploy, run hugo -D and copy the resulting "public" directory to your server.

The -D tells hugo to include "draft" content (see front matter). You migh change this once the site is stable.