
Wrong getURI method

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Your HOTPGenerator#getURI method is mighty wrong.

  1. Special characters in the components (label, issuer) must be URI-encoded, i.e. replace " " by "%20" (and not by "+") and so on.
    Possible solution: Apply following encoding to the label parts (issuer and account) and to the issuer parameter. Note that it is valid to encode the : in the label as well, but this is not required.
URLEncoder.encode(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    .replace("+", "%20")
    .replace("%21", "!")
    .replace("%27", "'")
    .replace("%28", "(")
    .replace("%29", ")")
    .replace("%7E", "~")
  1. The secret must be Base32-encoded, e.g. new Base32().encodeToString(secret) using Apache Commons Codec Base32 implementation

Thanks for you comment. I am open to Pull requests, as I currently don't have the time to implement your solution.