
Using bstats for Minecraft related standalone programs

LOOHP opened this issue · 5 comments

LOOHP commented

Is there a way I can use bstats to collected from custom Minecraft standalone programs such as custom server implementations?

There's a non-public "Other" category that basically allows you to do anything and is currently only used by a MC Server Soft. Afaik it's implemented in C#. (Here's the bStats page:

You would need to write your own Metrics class that sends data via REST. If you are interested, just tell me your account name and the name of the "plugin" and I will register it for you.

If it's really just a server implementation, there's also a special category for that. It's used by Paper and some other smaller implementations. Just like the "Other" category, you would need to write your own Metrics class, but if it's written in Java you can use Paper's implementation as a reference.

LOOHP commented

The program I'm referring to is called Limbo

It's a standalone server program (which does allow users to create simple "limbo plugins") that handles clients using minimal resources (For example to handle APK players) by sending them into an empty "server" that is meant to be used just like another other spigot servers behind a proxy, like bungeecord.

My account name is LOOHP

Thanks :)

LOOHP commented

Any update on this?

Sorry and thanks for reminding me.
Your program sounds like it would fit best into the "Server Implementation" category (and not the mentioned "Other" category).
However, I've added both to your account. Feel free to experiment with both.

Take a look at PaperMC/Paper#646 (comment) for more information about the "Server Implementation" category. You basically have to write your own Metrics class in C# that sends a REST POST every 30 minutes.

LOOHP commented

Thanks mate!