icons in the selection are not displayed
warrantor-Antony-Stedfis opened this issue · 0 comments
warrantor-Antony-Stedfis commented
Hello! I have been looking for this solution for a long time! Thank! But I have a problem.
The fact is that I use oxygen builder. He does not use the theme (disables it). I need to upload my svg icons.
I embed the following code in my plugin (alternative to funcions.php)
add_filter( 'acf_svg_icon_filepath', 'bea_svg_icon_filepath' ); function bea_svg_icon_filepath( $filepath ) { if ( is_file( plugins_url() . '/oxygen/component-framework/my-icons/icons.svg' ) ) { $filepath[] = plugins_url() . '/oxygen/component-framework/my-icons/icons.svg'; } return $filepath; }
Но ничего не происходит. Иконки не добавляются. В чем может быть проблема?