lua and c++

part1: c++ interact with lua

  Lua is usually used as config file, like .ini , .xml

  In this project, we use cpp load the variable, table, function in the lua script.

compile command:
cd src/c++-call-lua
g++ -o test test.cpp -I ../../slua/include/  -L ../../slua/lib/ ../../slua/lib/linux/liblua.a
run command :
the output result :
str = this is lua
tbl:name = mao
Result is 30

part2: lua interact with c++

  We create a module function in cpp file, register it to the lua interpreter, and cpp file execute the lua script. At last, in the lua script ,we call the registered function.

compile command:
cd src/lua-call-c++
g++ -o test test.cpp -I ../../slua/include/  -L ../../slua/lib/ ../../slua/lib/linux/liblua.a -ldl
run command :
the output result :
The average is 	30
The sum is 	150
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