Create two wallets on each side. The first wallet for deploy and call it "Owner", the second for management - "Manager". After all the contracts are deposited and configured, the wallet "Owner" is no longer used.

Fetch the code from the repository:

git clone

Go to the beam-bridge-ethrelay folder. A separate branch has been created for each beem network.

main - masternet
dappnet - dappnet
mainnet - mainnet

Switch to the branch we choose:

git checkout <branch>

Using the docker.env.example file as an example, create docker.env. In the "Beam side config" section, let's enter the sido and password for the manager wallet BEAM_WALLET_API_SEED_PHRASE and BEAM_WALLET_API_PASS, respectively.

In the "ETH side config" section, you must fill in all the parameters:

  • BEAM_PIPE_CID is the cid of the Pipe contract.
  • ETH_PIPE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS is the Pipe contract address in the Ether network.
  • ETH_RELAYER_ADDRESS is the address of the manager wallet
  • ETH_RELAYER_PRIVATE_KEY is the private key of the "Manager" wallet
  • ETH_TOKEN_CONTRACT is the address of the token on the ether that the bridge works with
  • ETH_SIDE_DECIMALS - how many decimal places the token supports
  • ETH_HTTP_PROVIDER - http address of data provider for ether
  • ETH_WEBSOCKET_PROVIDER - websocket address of data provider for air
  • ETH_PIPE_CONTRACT_ABI - specify "EthPipe.json" if the bridge is with ether, but "EthERC20Pipe.json" if it is with token

Build the containers:

docker-compose --profile api --env-file docker.env build

Running the relay:

docker-compose --profile api --env-file docker.env up -d