
Concerns and Suggestions Regarding Beanie Library

alm0ra opened this issue · 7 comments

I wanted to raise some concerns regarding the current state of the Beanie library, particularly in its role as an async ODM in Python.

As a user of the library, I've noticed that the maintainer seems to be unavailable, which has raised some concerns about its suitability for use in our production environment. Additionally, I've observed that there are numerous open issues and pull requests that often take a month or longer to be reviewed.

In light of these observations, I believe it might be beneficial to explore some potential solutions to improve the maintenance and responsiveness of the project. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Consider Turning the Project into an Organization: By transitioning the project to an organization, it could attract more contributors and potentially alleviate the burden on a single maintainer.

  2. Engage with MongoDB: Since Beanie is closely related to MongoDB, it might be worthwhile to reach out to the MongoDB community for support or collaboration opportunities.

  3. Expand the Maintainer Team: Adding more maintainers to the project could help distribute the workload and improve the speed of issue resolution and pull request reviews.

I believe implementing one or more of these suggestions could greatly benefit the Beanie library and its users. I'm eager to hear your thoughts and discuss potential next steps.

I hope they see this issue as soon as possible!

It seems this issue fixed
Thanks @roman-right