
Powershell: Auto generated variables are not correctly marked

Closed this issue · 9 comments

dt-flo commented


apparently for powershell, automatic variables built into powershell are not correctly marked but instead they are just white. Test variable is "$matches". See screenshot:
Screenshot 2023-05-30 184452

As you can see at the bottom, $matches is just white.

dt-flo commented

Screenshot 2023-05-30 195647
Furthermore $? is not correctly marked

dt-flo commented

Screenshot 2023-05-30 201136
$this is also not correctly marked

dt-flo commented

Screenshot 2023-05-30 201437

Properties of objects are not marked in red if the object is part of an array.

dt-flo commented

Screenshot 2023-05-30 201936

function calls are white and not blue

some fixes will be available in the next version, but others are not possible to fix, such as

dt-flo commented

Thank you very much!

dt-flo commented

I have to add: The "$matches" variable is still white for me (#A8ADB3)

Fixed ! And thanks a lot for sponsoring !

dt-flo commented

Fixed ! And thanks a lot for sponsoring !

Thanks, looks good now :)
You're welcome, you deserved the money for my favorite VS Code theme :)