
[feature request] - add ability to set a beard theme in the settings.json

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I love your extension. The themes are great!! The only thing I would really like, though, is the ability to set the theme in the settings.json file. I have a lot of projects, profiles, and languages going on, and it would be great to have this feature so it could be committed to the code base.

Unless I am missing something but when I attempted this, it was not recognized.


I'm afraid I don't quite understand your request, I have the feeling that it concerns a VSCode configuration rather than via my extension directly haha


Sorry. I should of elaborated more.

Yes. I am talking about being able to set which theme a user wants in the vscode settings.json configuration file.

So for example:

	"[bearded-theme]": {
		"theme": "arc-eggplant",

or something similar. This way, we don't have to keep setting it via the extension tab by clicking the Set Color Theme button.

So instead of:

we could just set a setting and it would always use that theme when loading a particular project.

I don't know if that is easy or not or even worth doing. It was just an idea. 😀

I don't understand the difference with adding

    "workbench.colorTheme": "Bearded Theme Aquarelle Lilac"

in settings.json haha

Nvm. This is my bad.

I did not realize that you could do that. Also, when I tried something like this in the past, it did not work. I just realized that it did not work in the past because I had a VSCode workspace and that setting does not work with workspaces.

Sorry for wasting your time.