
Automatic chores distribution

BeardedTinker opened this issue · 4 comments

Kids, chores and who's day it is. One of the hottest topics of heated discussion at our place?
How many times did I take dog out or emptied dishwasher....

Here comes system that will assign fairly chores, based on odd or even days.

But to make things more complex, no, we are not looking at odd or even days in months, instead we are tracking odd or even days in the year.

If you want to use tracking in month, you can do it with:
value_template: "{{ 'Odd' if now().day % 2 else 'Even' }}"

That was my first try, but they've come to conclusion that this wouldn't be fair in months that have 31 days, as same tasks will be done in 2 consecutive days.

So I'll be implementing following:
value_template: "{{ 'Odd' if now().strftime('%j')|int % 2 else 'Even' }}"
This is not fair just once a year (31.12. on 01.01) but this is OK with them.

Negotiation is now finished, Odd/Even day tracker is implemented and here I'll be linking various automation that are related to daily chores (dog walks and dishwasher for now) - to be added in near future - taking out trash for recycling etc.

There are 3 daily tasks that kids have to to:

  • take the dog for a walk in the afternoon
  • empty dishwasher after it finishes and put everything where it needs to go
  • empty washing machine in basket

Also, weekly, one task is mandatory - clean (thoroughly) their rooms.
Daily tasks will be auto assigned by HA with use of Odd/Even day tracking.
Weekly task will be fixed task on Saturday with simple automation.

Need to add task of taking trash for recycling/out.
This will also remove current notification automation that we get each morning, which was done very clumsy.

This is how it now looks in Telegram:

Closing this for now. Had to distribute chores by week due to some schedule changes.