
Content Issue: Bedrock NBT file header inaccurate

kodematthieu opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue: According to the page, the first 4 bytes is an integer that is always 8. Well, my world's level.dat in v1.19.63.01 has the first 4 byte as the integer 10

❯ xxd -l 48 level.dat 
00000000: 0a00 0000 e309 0000 0a00 0008 0d00 4269  ..............Bi
00000010: 6f6d 654f 7665 7272 6964 6500 0001 1200  omeOverride.....
00000020: 4365 6e74 6572 4d61 7073 546f 4f72 6967  CenterMapsToOrig


Suggestions: Idk any suggestions, im new to nbt decoding. The info might just been out dated

I just noticed this today too. My world was loaded at some point during the current v1.19 release cycle, and it's level.dat file has been showing a version number of 9 to my surprise. From what the Minecraft Wiki page says, it appears that the header version number has changed multiple times throughout the development of Bedrock, all the way back from the Pocket Edition days. It looks like the Minecraft Wiki page hasn't been updated with recent Bedrock documentation in a while also, as it reports the possibility of version numbers 2 and 3.

Bedrock Edition level format (level.dat) - Minecraft Wiki