
Home Page

ModMaker101 opened this issue · 9 comments

Issue: The words on the front page when I click them, they don't redirect me.

Affected pages: I have to use the sidebar and can't use a quick home page.

Suggestions: I suggest that you make the homepage have what I said in my issue.

I could not reproduce this on my browser. Works fine on desktop and android, chrome

@SmokeyStack I think hes' talking about how not all the home page titles are hyperlinks. We can likely just make them all hyperlinks and link to a token page:


Also you could think about redoing the homepage links with a new/slightly different set of blocks, if you want to highlight different content.

That is what I am talking about and thank you.

For the items icon could it maybe be a sword

For the items icon could it maybe be a sword

We are discussing on new icons

okey cool

I see you fixed the hyperlinks


Thanks for all you work.