Misinformation About /agent Command on line 2088 of non-mob-runtime-identifiers.md
Andexter8 opened this issue · 0 comments
There is a problem on line 2088 of non-mob-runtime-identifiers.md where it says that there is no way to control the a player’s agent by using the /agent command, even though you CAN actually control a players agent by using an NPC, the /execute
command, and the /agent
command, you just put this command into an NPC button command because unlike players, NPC’s CAN actually use the /agent command: "/execute as @initiator run /agent turn left ", once you put this command into the NPC then once a player clicks on the button in the NPC's dialogue menu then if they already have an agent spawned in then it will make their agent turn left, and but if they don't already have an agent then it will spawn the agent in for them.