
Content Issue: Fake blocks tutorial is very, very unclear.

StrikerMan780 opened this issue · 1 comments

There's a segment of the fake blocks tutorial that is very, very unclear.

Specifically the line that says the following:

To align your entity in rotation, you will need some Math.

"rotation": [ 0, "-q.body_y_rotation + (Math.round(q.body_y_rotation / 90) * 90)", 0 ]

Apply that code on the core folder (that has all the other groups inside) of your model in an animation, make sure the pivot point is 0 in the X and Z Axis, to avoid visual bugs.

... In what model file where? No indication of what path this file is in, or what kind of file it belongs in. I have no idea if they mean a Geo file, an animation file, or something else entirely.