ip2long in 32 bit allow all Ip
Adel-E opened this issue · 3 comments
Adel-E commented
we have encountered an issue with your library.
On a 32bit installation when we try to run the following code. The Ip is always allowed.
use M6Web\Component\Firewall\Firewall;
$whiteList = array(
$firewall = new Firewall();
$connAllowed = $firewall
->addList($whiteList, 'local', true)
if (!$connAllowed) {
echo "Not allowed";
} else {
echo "Allowed";
This is caused by Ip2Long that doesnt work properly on 32bit
Because PHP's integer type is signed, and many IP addresses will result in negative
integers on 32-bit architectures, you need to use the "%u" formatter of sprintf() or printf()
to get the string representation of the unsigned IP address.
To solve this issue we need to change in https://github.com/M6Web/Firewall/blob/master/Entry/AbstractIP.php#L68
return strval(ip2long($long));
return sprintf('%u', ip2long($long));
fdubost commented
Thank you for this issue. Could you make a pull request ? 😉
Adel-E commented
Done :)
indiboy commented
这个修改之后long2ip() expects parameter 1 to be integer, string given
protected function long2ip($long, $abbr = true) { switch(static::NB_BITS) { case 128: return $this->long2ip6($long, $abbr); default: return strval(long2ip($long)); } }