
[Bounty] Get our bodyparts/limbs/organs up to date with TG limbs.

PowerfulBacon opened this issue · 8 comments


Kapu updated the limbs with some newer code, however this introduced a large number of bugs that require fixing.
This was going to be a simple bounty to fix the hair bug, however our code is so outdated from TG that it should just be fully updated to get all of the improvements they have done.

This bounty is for $100


  • Update the limbs to be completely up to date with TG's limbs.
  • Remove any unnecessary TG code
  • Add any Bee specific code that isn't on TG
  • Test the PR with beecode (Make sure stuff like magic mirror works and people aren't bald anymore)
  • Handle any reviews required

Potentially Relevant PRs

There may be more that I missed, but this is everything that I could find. Some stuff may be TG specific

tgstation/tgstation#65523 (Major)
tgstation/tgstation#67017 (Major)


I think these ones should be, but they might contain only TG specific content:
tgstation/tgstation#66103 (Not sure if we removed this too)


can do this
sorry, nevermind can't do this. i forgot i have many PRs to do already

I can do that

I have a question, what does kapulimbs give to a player and why are we spending 100$ on fixing it?

I have a question, what does kapulimbs give to a player and why are we spending 100$ on fixing it?

you don't get a say, sorry

I have a question, what does kapulimbs give to a player and why are we spending 100$ on fixing it?

This is a very large amount of work to complete, $100 isn't a lot considering normal developer pay but its hopefully an incentive for anyone consider doing it to prioritise working on this (SS13 in general doesn't bring a lot of income in, so paying decent rates is challenging, plus we wouldn't really want to get people coding strictly for the money who won't maintain things in the future).