
Session is forgotten in between steps

Opened this issue · 5 comments

cleb commented

Using behatch together with symfony 1.4 and knplabs/friendly-contexts. Whenever we execute a step that uses behatch, it logs out of the system (the session seems to be lost)

I think it is caused by the header reset in 4cc6cfc

Yes, now the headers are reset between scenarios. You need to login before each scenario, see background section.

cleb commented

Resetting between scenarios is the expected behavior. However, it resets between each and every step. I think this is because we are using it together with the friendly contexts - should I try to come up with a fix for this?

should I try to come up with a fix for this?

I can try to find the bug if you have a simple example to reproduce its.

cleb commented

I will try to come up with an example (I will have to write it from scratch so as not to compromise the IP of the company I work for so it might take me a while to do it)

brice commented

I think i encounter the same problem. Did you find a solution?