[help]: keymap to toggle dropbar
pwnwriter opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Is there any way to map keys to toggle the dropbar, than just clicking over ?
menu = {
quick_navigation = false,
keymaps = {
["<C-c>"] = "<C-w>q",
["h"] = "<C-w>c",
["l"] = function()
local menu = require("dropbar.api").get_current_dropbar_menu()
if not menu then
local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(menu.win)
local component = menu.entries[cursor[1]]:first_clickable(cursor[2])
if component then
menu:click_on(component, nil, 1, "l")
This is my config, i want to set C-;
to toggle dropbar. I've gone through docx, issues but unfortunately, didn't get how'd i actually map.
Is there any way to map keys to toggle the dropbar
What do you mean by "toggle the dropbar"? If you mean hiding/showing the winbar, just use :set winbar=
to hide to winbar and :set winbar=%{%v:lua.dropbar.get_dropbar_str()%}
to show the winbar.
... than just clicking over?
Sorry, I don't understand here. Clicking the winbar does not toggle it. In most cases clicking on a symbol in a winbar will open a drop-down menu for that symbol.
Oh, I apologize. What I meant to convey is that I would like to add a keymap for toggling the drop-down menu.
Ah, I see. Please check https://github.com/Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim#usage - pick mode and https://github.com/Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim#api - pick()
You may be looking for require("dropbar.api").pick()
, which allows you to use keymaps to select a dropdown. You can also pass in an index to open that symbol's dropdown without picking. My keymap looks like this:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>bs", function()
require("dropbar.api").pick(vim.v.count ~= 0 and vim.v.count)
Hey, thanks for the reponse.
Btw, one lil' question.
How'd i know if dropbar is set or not?
i wanna write a function that toggles dropbar. like if already open then closes, if closed, opens .
For example, here's a function that i wrote to toggle numbering
local cmds = { "nu!", "rnu!", "nonu!" }
local current_index = 1
function M.toggle_numbering()
current_index = current_index % #cmds + 1
vim.cmd("set " .. cmds[current_index])
How'd i know if dropbar is set or not?
I'm not sure what you mean by set
in this case, but maybe you could use utils.menu.get
to find a menu object for a given window/buffer, then use dropbar_menu_t:toggle()
As @Bekaboo mentioned, We can set dropbar values, Prooly values, don't know if i'm wrong about the term.
We have two values nill? which doesn't show anything
:set winbar=
and another one with infos.
:set winbar=%{%v:lua.dropbar.get_dropbar_str()%}
i wanna write a mapping to toggle between these cmds .
Also, @willothy, what's the use of vim.v.count
When i try to print it, i get zero everytime.
Ohh, wow just realized i can actually use alphabets to grab them. Pretty cool.
I've made this workaround, it works pretty well,
local winbar_state = 0
function M.toggle_dropbar()
if winbar_state == 0 then
vim.cmd "set winbar=%{%v:lua.dropbar.get_dropbar_str()%}"
winbar_state = 1
vim.cmd "set winbar="
winbar_state = 0
feel free to drop your thoughts tho.
Also, @willothy, what's the use of
?When i try to print it, i get zero everytime.
(or v:count
in vimscript) is the count
that can be passed to mappings. Typing a number before a mapping sets v:count
, which can be used inside the mapping. This works the same was as 3dd
to delete 3 lines; for example, in the mapping I showed above, you would type 3<leader>bs
to open the dropdown for the 3rd symbol in the winbar.
If no number is typed, v:count
will be 0. You can also use vim.v.count
to get a count that will always be 1 instead of 0 when unset.
Ohh, wow just realized i can actually use alphabets to grab them. Pretty cool.
That's why I check for 0 in the mapping, because passing nil to .pick()
allows you to use the picker functionality.
I've made this workaround, it works pretty well,
local winbar_state = 0 function M.toggle_dropbar() if winbar_state == 0 then vim.cmd "set winbar=%{%v:lua.dropbar.get_dropbar_str()%}" winbar_state = 1 else vim.cmd "set winbar=" winbar_state = 0 end endfeel free to drop your thoughts tho.
Thoughts: that's pretty much what I would do, but I think you could simplify it a little. You can use the Lua API to set the winbar option for example, and check its value instead of tracking state:
function M.toggle_dropbar()
if vim.o.winbar == "" then
vim.o.winbar = "%{%v:lua.dropbar.get_dropbar_str()%}"
vim.o.winbar = ""