Original take home project spec:
Hello, ios dev!
We have prepared a challenge for you to complete in your own time. To get started use this repo as your origin. Start implementing the exercise and commit/push in a separate branch. Once done, please submit a pull request. Please try to use little/none external dependencies as possible (stay native as much as you can!) Please use Swift
We will assess your solution according to the following criteria
- Functionality - Does it work as expected?
- Code structure - Does your implementation provide a clean, efficient and scalable architecture?
- Good practice - Do you follow good coding practice and use SDK's according to guidelines?
- Readability - Will we understand how your code works?
- Testing - Do you understand the importance of testing?
Clearly here are CrowdScores we've had to do this quite a bit. We'd like to see how you approach this.
You will find a file called matches.json. This contains a list of matches on one particular day. Each match belongs to a competition.
- Parse the file into suitable data structures
- Display matches grouped by competition and ordered by competition 'ordering'
- For each competition order the matches by kick off
- For each match simply show the kick off time and the teams
- E.g. 15:00 Espanyol vs Barcelona
- Provide tests that you feel are appropriate
- Use your architecture of choice
- The file contains lots of data about the matches but only parse the data you really need
- The default order of competitions is determined by the 'ordering' field.
- Use homeTeam.shortName and awayTeam.shortName for the team names
- The kick off time of the match is defined by the attribute 'start' ( this is an epoch)
Have fun!