
Digest summary truncating important information.

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Recent flail errors came in that are cutting off important information in the digest summary.

We are given:
Module::DelegationError Questionnaire#center delegated to, but student is nil: #<Questionnaire id: 87, form_id: 1, student_id: 1, created_at: "2008-12-31 07:41:02", updated_at: "2008-12-31 07:43:19", deleted_at: nil, locked: true, locked_by: 7, assisted_by: "baker", user_id: 7, deleted_by: nil, percent_complete: 100>

We display:
Module::DelegationError Questionnaire#center delegated to, but student is nil: #

The HTML of the page contains the full text. It seems the ruby object is treated like an HTML tag by the browser. This should be trivial to fix.