Changing position of the categories list in post
Opened this issue · 8 comments
Hi there!
I've noticed that post's categories listing is located under the post content and there is no any option to place it under the post title (and maybe change it's visual representation). Is it possible to add such kind of feature to Free or Pro version?
That's an interesting idea. Would you want it included in the current byline or perhaps after it?
@BenSibley I think it's better to keep categories separated from "byline" coz some people (and me too) do not use "byline". But if you'll add 3 options to show/hide date/author/category instead of 1 option to show/hide them all then I'll prefer placing categories in "byline" string.
I see, thanks for the feedback!
For now, I can give you a child theme that will add the category below the post title:
There's some English text, "Posted in," but you can change this via the file editor (Appearance > Editor > post-meta.php).
Thanks, Ben! I'll check it soon.
Thanks for your assistant, @BenSibley !
I've checked your
. We're using "Unit" theme currently and changing theme to your "Founder Child" or "Founder" resets the configuration we already did via Customizer. AFAIR theme option's value is linked to the theme name or directory. And there is no "grandchild" themes in WP (only through creating plugin and binding to hooks) so I need to keep "Unit" theme as active and wait for your updates of "Founder" theme.
FYI: after juggling with meta template we've decided do make post header in this format:
Nice receipt
9.10.2017 / Food, Vegeterian
It looks minimalistic and and keeps focus on most important information, but there is no way to customize "byline" string template while using "Unit" theme. Is it possible to create a filter or an option in the "Founer" theme for changing post-meta template from custom plugin?
Got it, that's no problem. I never release updates to Unit so that customizations aren't lost, so the same edits in the Founder Child theme can be ported to your copy of the Unit theme.
You can create an empty folder called "content" in the Unit theme and then add a post-meta.php file. Founder will then use that copy of post-meta.php instead of the one in its directory.
As for the code in post-meta.php, something like this should work well:
$date = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime( get_the_date( 'r' ) ) );
<p><?php echo $date; ?> / <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>
That will output the date in the format set in the General Settings and a comma-delimited list of linked categories.
@BenSibley that's great news! Thank you very much, I'll modify Unit theme for my needs.
Sure thing! Let me know if you run into any trouble with the updates.