
Add more personality to your classes, help your teachers during COVID

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Python application which can be used on several platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and so on. While this can be useful and fun for content creation, I made this to help out teachers during COVID, as it can be hard and depressing to talk and listen to students while looking at static images.

I also don't have a webcam (and probably wouldn't use it if I did), so that was also another reason for making this.


Currently the focus is to extend it a bit more, simplify code and improve user-friendliness. There's also a couple of optimizations to be made. But so far there's:

  • Basic animations
  • Basic costumes
  • Support for different stages
  • Volume specific frames (animations on specific mic volume)

These are the current features/changes I want to make:

  • Add image resizing
  • Add user-friendly volume setup
  • Improve animation support (avatars, frames/steps)
  • Improve costume support (loading, displaying, keybinds)
  • Improve/simplify stage system
  • Improve code (add functions)


  • Python 3+
    • PIL / pillow
    • pygame
    • pyaudio (requires Visual Studio 2014+ C++ Build Tools (for some stupid reason))
    • aubio
    • numpy
  • OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)


The Python modules can be installed with:
pip install pillow pygame numpy pyaudio aubio

Due to pip being trash at times, you might have problems with installing pyaudio on Windows. Open your console > type python > take note of the version:

Python 3.9.0 (...) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Then go to PyAudio and download the matching .whl file. Then run pip install <filename.whl> to install it.

Then you download / clone this repository, and run ./vtuber.py. By default there should be a white screen. Use the following keybinds to get introduced to the default character Bob:

  • i (makes Bob walk into the screen)
  • o (makes Bob walk out of the screen)
  • f (make Bob formal (great for school presentations))
  • g (make Bob a gangster (don't ask me why))
  • s (make Bob a sheriff (again, don't ask me why))
  • d (make Bob dance)

NOTE: Do not minimize the window, it will clear the screen and remove keybind focus / volume control. If you do minimize it, unminimize it and click r to reload the screen.

When you've made Bob walk into the screen and you start talking, it probably won't match your volume very well. For this you have to load up vtuber.py in a text editor, and then uncomment #print(volume) on line 142. Try running it again, and pay attention to the default noise level and your normal talking level. Edit the if-statements right above line 142 to match your volumes. My default talking volume is around 26, and the general noise level (noise, keyboard/mouse, breathing, etc...) is around 4-5.

So this is what my volume settings look like on line 131:

if (volume > 25): # Normal talking volume
    step = 4
elif (volume > 19):
    step = 3
elif (volume > 12):
    step = 2
elif (volume > 6):
    step = 1
elif (volume <= 6): # General noise level
    step = 0

Customize this and test it a few times. Try talking in different volumes to see if it changes frames correctly.