
Smaller htmx alternative focusing on requests and content swaps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


htmx is about 40KB minified, htmx-mini is <4KB unminified.
The project consists of a single JavaScript file, which is very easy to modify and extend.

You can read about the development of this on my website.


This does not contain all the functionality of htmx, but, it does contain what I consider to be the most valueable part of htmx.

With htmx-mini you are able to create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH requests. It also allows for you to add certain triggers like click, submit and whatever else may exist, together with targets that you want to replace the HTML of.

It supports the following swap modes:

  • innerHTML
  • outerHTML
  • beforebegin
  • afterbegin
  • beforeend
  • afterend
  • delete
  • none

If no trigger is defined, it uses the same defaults as htmx:

  • input, textarea and select are triggered by the change event
  • form is triggered on the submit event
  • ... everything else uses click

If a form is triggered, it includes the form data in the Ajax request.

Like htmx we expect the data returned by the server to be HTML.

Multiple triggers can be added data-hxm-trigger="load, click, customevent"


<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<button data-hxm-req="get" data-hxm-url="/content">
    Get content

<p>Type your information:</p>
<form data-hxm-req="post" data-hxm-target="p" data-hxm-swap="beforeend">
    <label>Name <input type="text" name="name" /></label>
    <input type="submit" />



Size matters.