
HTTP router for the Blade programming language, with named parameters and middleware.

Primary LanguageBlade


miniroute is a simple routing library with the following features:

  • Named parameters
    • /blog/:category/:title
    • /asset/*path
  • Middleware support (basicauth, ratelimit and custom functions)
  • No external dependencies (uses default http and reflect modules)


import miniroute { Router }
import mime

var router = Router()
router.get('/', |request, response| {
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'

/* Wilcard Routes */
router.get('/assets/*path', |request, response| {
  var path = request.params['path']
  var type = mime.detect_from_name(path)

  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
  response.write('<h1>Asset ${path} has mimetype ${type}</h1>')

/* Named Routes */
router.get('/:firstname/:lastname', |request, response| {
  var firstname = request.params['firstname']
  var lastname  = request.params['lastname']

  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
  response.write('<h1>Hello ${firstname} ${lastname}!</h1>')

  1. localhost:3000/ will show Index!.
  2. localhost:3000/assets/css/style.css will show Asset css/style.css has mimetype text/css
  3. localhost:3000/John/Smith will show Hello John Smith!

Wildcard parameters always have to be at the end of the URL path.


Middleware is supported to allow for easy logging, verification, etc.

If your middleware function returns false, then it won't continue to the next method.

import miniroute { * } # { Router, middleware }

def log(request, response) {
  echo '${request.ip} => ${request.path}'

def homepage(request, response) {
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'

var router = Router()

# Global middleware (logging for all routes)

# Basic auth middleware, login with username "foo" and password "bar"
router.get('/', middleware.basicauth({'foo': 'bar'}), homepage)


Using router.use() adds middleware to every single server request. So in the example above, every request is being printed to the console.

There's also some built-in middleware like basicauth() and ratelimit() making it easy to add login authentication and more security to the module.