
A js lib to manage very long list of rows in HTML

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A js library to manage very long list of rows in HTML

LongListRows - Why ?

Need to display a very long list of rows in HTML ? Hundreds of thousands ? If you want to display a very long list, your browser will suffer. Especially if each row is a complex element with buttons, inputs, icons, complex layout... LongListRows is made for you !

Philosophy - How it works

  • Only the rows around the visible part of the list are really instantiated in the DOM.
  • Whenever you scroll in the list, the rows that are getting too far from the visible area (viewport) are re-used by being moved to the bottom or top of the instantiated rows.
  • A call back is then called on re-used rows so that you can re-decorate the row with the correct state.

Other interesting components for this purpose

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths :

  • Cell reuse and re-decoration : being able to move an existing one and to change only what differs (text, color, button state...) is cheaper than having to build a brand new one.
  • the rows are reused by blocks : the viewport can scroll into the "safe zone" without triggering the move of rows. It is only when the viewport gets outside this safe zone that a block of rows are moved. Moving a block limits the number of reflows and repaints.
  • complete separation of control of the long list and of the content of the row. The lib only controls the list and you are in charge of dealing the data and applying the decoration in the row.
  • Data can be retrieve asynchronously : fetch the data of your rows only when you need to decorate them.
  • Handles resize of the viewport
  • You can dynamically insert and delete rows in the list and resize the element containing the list.
  • All the limit cases are automatically heavily tested (Mocha)

Limits :

  • The number of rows is off course limited by the limits of javascript and the RAM of the browser, but you must be aware that the height is limited by browsers (information from clusterize.js documentation) :
    • Webkit/Blink 134,217,726 px
    • Gecko 10,737,418 px
    • Trident 17,895,697 px
  • you have to find the correct parameters to optimize the fluidity for your context (throttle, size of the buffer, of the safe zone and max speed).
  • all rows must have the same height

Demo, tests and dev !

## Prerequisits : a decently recent version of node.js


installation of the demo and automatic tests

  • sudo npm install webpack -g
  • sudo npm install webpack-dev-server -g
  • npm install
  • npm run w
  • go to : http://localhost:8080/
  • and have fun :
    • modify and play with the list
    • to test the consistency of the list at a step : press "Test current consistency"
    • to run all the automatic tests (Mocha) : click on the button :-)

tests and dev

  • Source code : . the whole lib is in one file : src/libs/long-list-rows.coffee . its only dependancy is : src/libs/linked-list.coffee . the demo application is in src/


Creation of the longList :

   # the viewport element wich will contain the longList
   viewportElement = $('.longListViewport')[0]

   # Options of the longList
   options = {

        # unit used for the dimensions (px,em or rem)
        DIMENSIONS_UNIT   : 'em'

        # Height reserved for each row (unit defined by DIMENSIONS_UNIT)
        ROW_HEIGHT        : 2

        # number of "screens" before and after the viewport in the buffer.
        # (ex : 1.5 => 1+2*1.5=4 screens always ready)
        BUFFER_COEF       : 3

        # number of "screens" before and after the viewport corresponding to
        # the safe zone. The Safe Zone is the rows where viewport can go
        # without trigering the movement of the buffer.
        # Must be smaller than BUFFER_COEF
        SAFE_ZONE_COEF    : 2

        # minimum duration between two refresh after scroll (ms)
        THROTTLE          : 450

        # max number of viewport height by seconds : beyond this speed the
        # refresh is delayed to the next throttle
        MAX_SPEED         : 1.5

        # call back in charge of the creation of the content of a row.
        # You can keep some references on the element to some of its
        # children in order to have a direct access to them when onRowsMovedCB
        # will be called on the element.
        onRowsCreatedCB   : function(rowsToCreate){...}

        # Call back when a row of the buffer is moved and must be completly
        # redecorated
        # @param : rowsToDecorate  : [ {rank:Integer, el:Element} , ... ]
        #     Array of objects giving the rank and a reference to the
        #     element of the moved row.
        #     The array is sorted in order to optimize refresh (the most
        #     usefull to refresh is the first one)
        onRowsMovedCB     : function(rowsToDecorate){ ...}

    longList = new LongListRows(viewportElement, options)

When viewportElement is not initialy in the DOM If the the viewportElement is not initialy attached in the DOM, then call resizeHandler when the viewportElement is attached :


To add initial new rows if some are already in, they will be removed


When the height of the viewportElement changes :


To add a row


To remove a block of rows

longList.removeRows(rankOrElement, nToRemove)

To remove one row


To remove all rows


To get the element corresponding to a rank (null if the rank is not in the DOM)


To get elements of rows of the buffer after a certain rank. Returns an empty array if the rank is after the buffer.
