
Cant change http port

kungktd opened this issue · 2 comments

Is your version locked to port 8899? I have tried to change it but every time I restart its back to 8899. All other config changes are ok after a reboot.

UPDATE, I’m talking about your SickChill...

BenjV commented

You are correct.
The Synology package center is using the port for DSM purposes and changing the port will mess-up DSM.
It has to a fixed a port within the package.
The policy is to prevent changing the port so everything keeps working as it is supposed to do.
And my packages complies to that to ensure the correct behavior.

Ok. I was using SickChill via sickbeard-custom from SynoCommunity until now and there I could use whatever port I wanted.
No biggie since I didn’t use 8899 anyway.

Thanks for answering!