This application allows a user to get news from different credible sources. In the app, the user can read the different news stories provided by the sources.
- The app will display news sources for the user
- The app will allow the user to select the news source they prefer
- The app will display all the news articles from the selected source
- The app will display an image description for the article
- The app will display the time an article was written
- The app will take the user to the full article should they choose to read it
- Python
- Flask (in Python)
You need to have Python 3.6 installed to run this program.
$ git clone <this-repository>
(virtual)$ python3.6 -m pip install flask
(virtual)$ python3.6 -m pip install flask-bootstrap
(virtual)$ python3.6 -m pip install flask-wtf
(virtual)$ python3.6 -m pip install flask-script
After installing these, you can run the app.
This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source License. Copyright (c) 2018 LEO IGANE