
Ordered Content

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'd like to have to ability to create a set of pages that have ordered content, which could be used for creating a manual for a software product, or an online book.

I think it could be done with content placed in /pages, with some kind of convention around page numbering. I.E /pages/1-Introduction.markdown, and sub content like /pages/1-1-Subintro.markdown

When this content is being processed, we should maintain a data structure that represents the contents of these ordered pages, such that we can easily drop it into a sidebar.

Maybe at least /pages/01-Introduction.markdown and /pages/01-01-Subintro.markdown because otherwise I'm sure some file managers will put them in wrong order, aka: 1, 10, 11, 2, 20, 3, ...