
Linker Error - Visual Studio 13

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Hi Benny,
I hope this finds you well,

I am watching your tutorial and it is really good and simple. I just have an issue.
While watching the "3D motion" video, I had a linker error in "shader.obj":

"error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: struct glm::tmat4x4<float,0> __thiscall Transform::GetModel(void)" (?GetModel@Transform@@QAE?AU?$tmat4x4@M$0A@@glm@@xz) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Shader::Update(class Transform &)" (?Update@Shader@@QAEXAAVTransform@@@z)".

I am using visual studio 13 and searched for a solution to fix the issue. Some people suggested editing some lines in "glm/glm/detail/setup.hpp", but it didn't work for me.

Can you help me please?