
Adding and Editing Keys

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Very glad to see this project. Thanks!

As noted in the ReadMe, the interface is currently read only. I'd love to have write support - the ability to create new folders and files, and the ability to edit existing ones.

I've been pouring through the code to determine how easy this would be, but I'm not familiar with mithril and still trying to wrap my head around the structure.

Thanks a lot for your interest! I'm looking for feedback: did you try it, does it work painlessly? I use it in a daily basis and I don't have any issue, but I don't know any other user.

I will think about adding write support, but for now I have other projects I'd like to continue. If you know some JavaScript, you should be able to make some things without too many trouble, just follow the existing patterns. I can help you if you struggle on something.

I didn't like the recommended mithril usage as shown in the documentation, so I did some work to get Component classes in the same spirit as React components. It looks quite the same, but much simpler, without JSX, component lifecycles (not provided by mithril) and setState (mithril always rerender globally instead of by component). It's the first time I try mithril, and I quite like it, even if there is some black magick behind it.

It works great! I had issues installing the arch package from the aur (and unfortunately I can't remember what those issues were at this point - sorry!) but since I'm modifying it a bit, I'd rather use git directly anyway.

I've done a little work to the back end per my pull request. I'll get to looking at write support when I can. The reason I added most of these options is because I had issues with my nginx configuration and this seemed like a logical way to handle. Feel free to take or leave any of those changes.

Thanks very much for this project. It is exactly what I was looking for.