
email adress as key id

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for this nice tool !
I do not know if it is a bad practice but I use an email adress as key id.
This works with pass, qtpass, gopass but not with pass-web. I get this error :

Error: Invalid key id value XXX@YYY.ZZZ

May you handle email adress as key ID ?


Thank you for your interest. You are not the first to tell me about this issue! I will do something, but I haven't much time right now.

Well it was simpler than I thought. Could you try it to see if it works for you? I'll make a release soon.

Thanks your work !
I am not sure I tested it correctly : I just replaced /usr/lib/node_modules/pass-web/server/Keys.js with your new version.
I get this error : Error: Key with email XXX@YYY.ZZZ not found

I'm reallly no js expert so I may be wrong but it looks like this._keys.values() is empty in my case.

I just published a new version on NPM and AUR. If this._keys.values() is empty, then it means you didn't specify any secret key in the command line. The new version will now raise an error if there is no secret key provided, and print which email is handled by each provided key. Please let me know if you still have the issue.