
Allocating surplus transfers with new Transfer Feature breaks Bank Surplus Widget

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This is because the opening balance used for the Bank Surplus widget is the Surplus balance from the current month's ledger reconciliation. So this balance has already accounted for the transfer amount.

  1. Surplus Balance: $4000.
  2. Transfer excess surplus to savings during monthly reconciliation - -$3000.
    2.1) Create ledger transaction to debit Surplus: -$3000.
    2.2) Create matching rule so when statement transaction is imported it is matched and not accounted twice in ledgerbook.
  3. Bank Surplus widget shows starting surplus balance of $1000.
  4. Statement is imported a few days later.
  5. Bank Surplus widget now shows surplus balance of -$2000.

Possible solutions:
Ignore any transaction that has a resolved auto-matching reference.

This affects graphs as well.