
Placeholders with displayName of island owner

kforbro opened this issue · 4 comments

I need placeholders with a prefix and suffix (Player#getDisplayName), but most likely DisplayName will need to be stored in the database, because this method will not work with offline players

Placeholder: %Bank_bskyblock_top_displayname_#rank#% %Level_bskyblock_top_displayname_#rank#% %bskyblock_likes_addon_top_likes_island_displayname_#rank#% %bskyblock_likes_addon_top_dislikes_island_displayname_#rank#% %bskyblock_likes_addon_top_rank_island_displayname_#rank#% %bskyblock_likes_addon_top_stars_island_displayname_#rank#%

Just to clarify, you want DisplayName specifically? With potentially color in it? Can you give more explanation of why and how you'll use it?

Just to clarify, you want DisplayName specifically? With potentially color in it? Can you give more explanation of why and how you'll use it?

Because all the other leaderboards I have displaynames (colored prefixes and colored nicknames) of players. It just looks beautiful

Each addon will need to add them separately because each addon does their own placeholders. I recommend providing a prioritized list of the addons you want first.

Each addon will need to add them separately because each addon does their own placeholders. I recommend providing a prioritized list of the addons you want first.

  1. Level
  2. Bank