
A command-line address-book program using which you can browse, add, modify, delete or search for your contacts such as friends, family and colleagues and their information such as email address and/or phone number. Details must be stored for later retrieval.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A command-line address-book program with Node.Js and MongoDB

Usage: contact-cli [options] [command]


-h, --help  output usage information


addContact <fname> <lname> <phone> <email>          Add new contact
updateContact <Id> <fname> <lname> <phone> <email>  update a contact
getContact <name>                                   Get contact
getAllContacts                                      Get All contacts
deleteContact <_id>                                 Delete contact


$ contact-cli addContact  bereket Gebredingle  098547545  bereketgebredinlge@gmail.com
$ contact-cli getContact bereket
$ contact-cli updateContact 1524515667854  bereket Gebredingle  0922847962  bereketgebredinlge@gmail.com
$ contact-cli deleteContact 1524515667854