
Roadrunner 1.0?

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Now that RR 1.0 is supported is there plans to support it? I like to use this with my students but the plan is to use RR 1.0 now that it is released.


Working on it...
It is easy enough to generate and insert a jar file containing the roadrunner core (which is not specific to FTC). It is trickier (for me, anyway) to achieve compatibility with the new version of roadrunner quickstart, but I think still possible.

That's fair. I haven't even begun to mess with the version 1 quickstart yet so I can't be of any help.

I've put something together that seems to work, though haven't tested extensively. Rather than pushing to this repository, I have saved it to a new repository:

The quickstart is included (minus most of the tuning stuff). Start by trying out the SplineTest opmode. Leave the tuning parameters in the MecanumDrive class as-is.

To use this, it is necessary to download the kotlin-stdlib-2.0.20 jar, save it in the lib folder, and make it a dependency in the TeamCode module (see the first paragraph of the readme for instructions. I was going to package this in the repository, but was unsure whether any licenses other than Apache 2 would be needed.

Let me know if any problems.