
Logo url of betteruptime_status_page not persitent in state

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Using the betteruptime_status_page resource, when specifying a logo_url value - it keeps reappearing in the plan/apply. I suspect this is a bug where it's not being written to state after apply. Terraform wants to change the resource and add the value - as it thinks it's not currently configured. The change does proceed to be applied and is in effect in Better Stack.

Fixed it for now by using lifecycle policy;

lifecycle {
  ignore_changes = [

seems to have been reported a while ago; #74

Hello @fancybear-dev, thank you for reporting this, for your patience and sharing a workaround 🙌

We've fixed the issue with logo_url being sent of every terraform apply. There's no need to update your Terraform provider, we've managed to fix this on the API level.

Hope this helps 🚀