
Responsive Image Code

KrishT0 opened this issue · 2 comments

I was going through the official document and examples but was unable to find the code for Responsive Image. I am trying to implement it, but unable to do so. can you provide the code for the responsive image example or can you publish a sandbox/normal code in the website for example.


when I click for code, it only shows this piece of code, which is the same for all images and it doesn't make sense. please try to provide a code for it.


I also looked for it recently. The code is acutally written as a decorator for the story file, you can find it here:

Locating this information proved to be unnecessarily challenging. It's unclear why the code snippets for all Storybook examples aren't more accessible. Discovering that one needs to navigate through numerous folders to find the example codes was not apparent. Making these resources more readily available would undoubtedly benefit many users.