Capsule App

The Capsule App is an Android application designed to provide users with a curated sequence of screens, forming a cohesive and engaging user experience. This file provides an overview of the project, its key features, technical details, and instructions for running the app.


1. Video Screen

  • Task: Display a video using the YouTube Player API.
  • Implementation: Utilizes the YouTube Player API for seamless video playback within the app.

2. Notes Screen

  • Task: Display textual content related to a specific topic.
  • Implementation: Loads content from a provided PDF hosted on Google Drive, rendering it in a WebView.

3. Quiz Screen

  • Task: Present a set of multiple-choice questions.
  • Implementation: Questions are stored in a Quiz class, providing a shuffled set for users to answer.

4. Quiz Result Screen

  • Task: Display the result of the quiz.
  • Implementation: After completing the quiz, users are shown their score as a percentage on the Quiz Result Screen.

Technical Details

a. Architecture

  • Why: Ensuring a clean and modular code structure.
  • How: Follows the clean architecture pattern with MVVM design, promoting separation of concerns.

b. View Binding

  • Why: Binding UI components in a type-safe manner.
  • How: Utilizes View Binding, allowing for more robust and type-safe access to UI elements.

c. ViewModels

  • Why: Managing UI-related data efficiently.
  • How: Implements ViewModels using Android's ViewModel class, separating UI logic from UI components.

d. Fragment Navigation

  • Why: Facilitating navigation between different screens.
  • How: Uses the FragmentTransaction mechanism for fragment navigation, ensuring a smooth transition.

e. YouTube Player API Integration

  • Why: Embedding and playing YouTube videos within the app.
  • How: Integrates the YouTube Player API to allow users to watch videos seamlessly without leaving the app.

f. Countdown Timer

  • Why: Enforcing an optional time limit for completing the entire capsule.
  • How: Implements a countdown timer using Kotlin Coroutines (viewModelScope.launch) and Android's Dispatchers for asynchronous execution.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several packages:

  • fragments: Contains individual fragments for different screens (Video, Notes, Quiz, Quiz Result).
  • adapters: Includes the CollectionAdapter responsible for managing the ViewPager.
  • utility: Holds utility classes and data structures, such as the Quiz class and constants.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Build and run the application on an emulator or physical device.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification on the assignment.