
Current build failing due to make file

Nerouse opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
The current build for this repository is failing because of the command "-std=c++2a " found in the make files. I believe that this c++ version is not supported yet by Travis CI.

This is the makefile for set and the other makefiles yield a similar result

Screen Shot 2019-11-21 at 2 12 42 PM

Compiler (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Mac OS

Yes @Nerouse would you like to work on this ?

Yes I can work on this

sure @Nerouse 👍

I changed the make files in the snippets sections so it runs on c++17 now and there was an error inside snippets/stack/pop.cpp and it is fixed now @Bhupesh-V

@Bhupesh-V @Nerouse, any updates on fixing c++2a bug? I am asking because I tried to PR but still got the same error from TRAVIS CI.