
Add tput to dependency list

sharan-aithal opened this issue ยท 2 comments

At first thanks for bringing such an undoing tool entirely in Bash.

What is the problem?

tput is maybe missing in some other os. I think it is better to add it in dependency list of ugit.

I would like to contribute if I have any new feature to add it here.๐Ÿ˜

Can I open PR here

This seems like a good idea. We would need to update it in 2 places

  1. The README ofc
  2. the deps array here:


    Lines 24 to 27 in 99edc9a

    deps=(fzf git awk xargs cut nl)
    for dep in "${deps[@]}"; do
    installed "${dep}" || die "Missing dependency: '${dep}'"

Thanks for reporting this ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ