
write tests for ugit brew formula

Bhupesh-V opened this issue Β· 7 comments

I have a draft formula ready, but need help with writing test

class Ugit < Formula
  desc "Undo git commands. Your damage control git buddy"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "5ce35179714263412f65cc78c247900c5349bfbf4bd9576e4075aa1a9055e0d6"
  license "MIT"

  depends_on "bash"
  depends_on "fzf"

  def install
    bin.install "ugit"
    bin.install "git-undo"

  test do
   # not good, will be rejected by maintainers probably
    assert_match "ugit version", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit --version")

A basic set of tests would include setting up a directory (non-git) and running the command ugit. The expected output should look like

Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo 😟

Apart from that I am out of ideas of what to test. Since both ugit --version & ugit --help are bad examples.

Any suggestions?

A test like the following should be acceptable:

  test do
    test_output = shell_output("#{bin}/ugit")
    assert_match "Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo", test_output

I have tested it on my system and it works.

The bad news is that ugit might not be "notable" enough for brew; apparently the repo has to meet certain criteria:

GitHub repository not notable enough (<30 forks, <30 watchers and <75 stars)
  • 30+ forks
  • 30+ watchers
  • 75+ stars



  • I actually tried creating a PR with a similar test, unfortunately, it isn't acceptable even if the documentation says so
    Homebrew/homebrew-core#90513. Not sure if they will accept that as a test
  • Not sure about the "notable" concept was it introduced lately?

The only solution would be to set up a custom homebrew cask, wdyt?

Since user interaction is required, test like the one's created for gh can be written and it will comply with the following condition:

We want tests that don’t require any user input and test the basic functionality of the application.

See: Add a test to the formula

This is the current test block for gh:

  test do
    assert_match "gh version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/gh --version")
    assert_match "Work with GitHub issues", shell_output("#{bin}/gh issue 2>&1")
    assert_match "Work with GitHub pull requests", shell_output("#{bin}/gh pr 2>&1")

So tests like those can be written and should be accepted.

  test do
    assert_match "ugit version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit --version")
    assert_match "Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit")

Testing ugit itself would require user input, and it breaks one of their basic rules.

So we might end up with something like this:

class Ugit < Formula
  desc "Undo git commands. Your damage control git buddy"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "52e72f9d44c3160987cdc0a393ccce3c0c76e76aa6b3e792e4b7ef2891a2b09d"
  license "MIT"

  depends_on "bash"
  depends_on "fzf"

  def install
    bin.install "ugit"
    bin.install "git-undo"

  test do
    assert_match "ugit version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit --version")
    assert_match "Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit")

If that is not accepted by Homebrew maintainers, then probably creating your own Tap would be another way.

See: "How to Create and Maintain a Tap"

Since user interaction is required, test like the one's created for gh can be written and it will comply with the following condition:

We want tests that don’t require any user input and test the basic functionality of the application.

See: Add a test to the formula

This is the current test block for gh:

  test do
    assert_match "gh version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/gh --version")
    assert_match "Work with GitHub issues", shell_output("#{bin}/gh issue 2>&1")
    assert_match "Work with GitHub pull requests", shell_output("#{bin}/gh pr 2>&1")

So tests like those can be written and should be accepted.

  test do
    assert_match "ugit version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit --version")
    assert_match "Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit")

Testing ugit itself would require user input, and it breaks one of their basic rules.

So we might end up with something like this:

class Ugit < Formula
  desc "Undo git commands. Your damage control git buddy"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "52e72f9d44c3160987cdc0a393ccce3c0c76e76aa6b3e792e4b7ef2891a2b09d"
  license "MIT"

  depends_on "bash"
  depends_on "fzf"

  def install
    bin.install "ugit"
    bin.install "git-undo"

  test do
    assert_match "ugit version #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit --version")
    assert_match "Ummm, you are not inside a Git repo", shell_output("#{bin}/ugit")

Thanks a lot for referencing this πŸ’™
Would you like to take a shot to get ugit into brew one last time? (you can take a reference from the PR I created above) if that doesn't work out either, we will set up a ugit tap instead

A maintainer mentioned one could use PTY for cli apps that require user interaction


  test do
    require "pty"
    # test goes here

You may find some examples at the core repo.

Hey, @thecesrom thanks a lot for your help. ugit is now available on brew πŸŽ‰

Closing this finally!