
Incorrect SGR code in 24-bit terminal

Opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

  1. Install iTerm2 3.5.0beta6
  2. Run ugit
  3. This happens:

The 24-bit color SGR code is missing a CSI leader, causing part of the sequence to be printed to the screen.

Ugit Version

v5.1 (Latest)

Bash Version

Bash >= 5.0

Git Version

git version 2.28.0

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Terminal Name

iTerm2 3.5.0beta6

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Update: I did some more research. It's actually a 256-color code, not 24-bit, and it seems like the bug is with fzf not parsing it properly. ugit is producing correct output. The problem is with fzf 0.32.1.

It might be worth avoiding 256 colors with fzf. Considering fzf takes --ansi that implies very limited support for control sequences.

I filed junegunn/fzf#2913 to follow up.