
This module can't be used within Docker-based Node-RED install on Raspian 10 (Buster)

papakpmartin opened this issue · 1 comments

Which node-red-contrib-modbus version are you using?

5.21 (also tried 5.25)

What happened?

Node-RED crashes.


Modbus-Flex-Server Node (Please attach Script to the next section)

How can this be reproduced?

Dockerfile based on official Node-RED images; mine uses nodered/node-red:2.2.2-14. Built and worked fine late last year. Build now has many errors and resulting image won't run, but crashes when flows start.

What did you expect to happen?

Build and run normally as it used to.

Other Information

It appears this is because of upstream issues with node-serialport.

I think this maybe could be avoided if this project locked in on what seems to be the last working version: 9.0.7.

In any case, it appears that this module cannot work with Node-RED official Docker images as-is.

This will work with official Node-RED Docker images if the npm command includes --unsafe-perm --build-from-source.

So in my case, in my Dockerfile I changed...

RUN cd /data && npm install --only=production

RUN cd /data && npm install --only=production --unsafe-perm --build-from-source

Also, this works for both versions 5.21 and 5.25.