
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Library and utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras.


Software Compatibility Matrix

ifm3d version O3D Firmware Version O3X Firmware Version Ubuntu Linux Version Notes
0.1.0 1.6.2114 0.1.4 16.04 Initial (beta) release
0.2.0 1.6.2114 0.1.16, 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Software triggering (O3X), support for Ubuntu 14.04
0.3.0 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Parsing extrinsics (O3D), NTP support (O3X), Simple GUI
0.3.1 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Fixed 14.04 regression (std::put_time)
0.3.2 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Patch to tools module build script
0.3.3 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Windows build support
0.4.0 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Added bash completions for ifm3d command line tool
0.5.0 1.6.2114 0.1.20 14.04, 16.04 Added firmware flashing to ifm3d command line, Windows support for image module
0.6.0 1.6.2114 1.0.62 14.04, 16.04 Added pcic client, ability to dump camera trace logs
0.7.0 1.6.2114, 1.20.973 1.0.62 14.04, 16.04 Timestamping of image buffers, host/device time sync for O3D, changing application parameters on-the-fly
0.8.1 1.6.2114, 1.20.973 1.0.62 14.04, 16.04 Register illumination temperature to frame data
0.8.2 1.6.2114, 1.20.973 1.0.62 14.04, 16.04 Patches to windows build

NOTE: Our officially supported platform is Ubuntu Linux. However, other operating systems will likely be acceptable, especially other Debian-based Linuxes. We also note that, WRT Ubuntu Linux, our current plan is to support the two most recent LTS releases. So, for example, as of this writing, we currently support 16.04 (preferred) and 14.04. Once 18.04 is released, we will drop support for 14.04 and only be supporting 18.04 and 16.04. If you are using this library embedded in a product, you should plan accordingly.

Organization of the Software

The ifm3d software is organized into modules, they are:

Module Name Description
Camera Provides an implementation of the XMLRPC protocol for configuring the camera and PMD imager settings.
Framegrabber Provides an implementation of the PCIC protocol for streaming pixel data and triggered image acquisition.
Image Provides a bridge from raw camera bytes to OpenCV and PCL image encodings.
Tools Provides the ifm3d command line tool for manipulating and introspecting the hardware interactively. It is also suitable for usage within shell scripts.
Examples Provides examples how to use the ifm3d library.

Installing the Software

Build Dependencies

Building the software from source, requires the following pre-requisites installed on your machine:

Additionally, if you plan to build the debian packages and have the dependencies computed for you dynamically (see the note below on the repackage target), you will also need:

We note that, if you are running on a supported Linux, all of these packages are available through the offical debian repositories and should be a simple apt-get away from being installed on your machine.

Building From Source

Building the software follows the usual cmake idiom of:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install

Alternatively, if you are on a supported Linux platform (see above), the preferred method of building and installing the software is:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
$ make
$ make check
$ make package
$ make repackage
$ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_0.2.0_amd64-camera.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_0.2.0_amd64-framegrabber.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_0.2.0_amd64-image.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i ifm3d_0.2.0_amd64-tools.deb

(The version number embedded in the deb file will be dependent upon which version of the ifm3d software you are building)

A few important notes when building from source:

  • For the make check step, you will need to have your camera plugged in. The cameras settings will get mutated by this process, so, you are encouraged to back up your configuration if you'd like to later restore your camera to its pre-testing state. You are also encouraged to test against the camera (or cameras) you plan to use. I.e., O3D, O3X, etc. Please note that testing against the O3X will fail unless you have at least version 0.1.16 of the ifm firmware installed on the device.

  • Many ifm3d users ultimately plan to use this library along with its associated ROS wrapper. If this is the case, you need to be sure that the version of OpenCV that you link to in both ifm3d and ifm3d-ros are consistent. To give you some control over that, the build process allows you to explicitly call out which version of OpenCV you wish to use. For example, if you are on 14.04 and using ROS Indigo, your cmake line above should look something like: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DFORCE_OPENCV2=ON ... Similarly, if you are on 16.04 and ROS Kinetic, your cmake line above should look something like: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DFORCE_OPENCV3=ON ..

  • Experienced users may be puzzled by the repackage step. If you are simply building for your local machine, you can skip it (albeit, with minimal risk). This step is used to dynamically compute the debian dependencies for the particular module. Due to how we are partitioning out the software, this approach is necessary vs. the more traditional CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS wrapper around dpkg-shlibdeps. We basically created a version of that tool that exploits a-priori information about the ifm3d environment to properly compute the debian dependencies. If you are building debs on a build machine to be distributed out to various runtime computers, you will certainly want to exectue the repackage target so that you are ensured the runtime machines have the proper dependency chain in place.

Basic Library Usage

A set of example programs for using the library are forthcoming. In the meantime, please refer to the image module unit tests for concrete examples of library usage. We think you will find those instructive and will enable you to get started quickly with the software.

Configuring Your Camera

(For exemplary purposes, we assume an O3X camera)

The central command-line tool provided with the library is the appropriately-named binary program ifm3d.

To view your current camera settings, you can run the following command:

$ ifm3d dump
  "ifm3d": {
    "Apps": [
        "Description": "",
        "Id": "1299148885",
        "Imager": {
          "ExposureTime": "1000",
          "FrameRate": "5",
          "MaxAllowedFrameRate": "12.5",
          "MinimumAmplitude": "42",
          "SpatialFilter": {},
          "SpatialFilterType": "0",
          "SymmetryThreshold": "0.4",
          "TemporalFilter": {},
          "TemporalFilterType": "0",
          "Type": "1FRQ_1EXP_0GRAY"
        "Index": "1",
        "Name": "",
        "OutputAmplitudeImage": "true",
        "OutputConfidenceImage": "true",
        "OutputDistanceImage": "true",
        "OutputGrayscaleImage": "false",
        "OutputXYZImage": "true",
        "TriggerMode": "1",
        "Type": "Camera"
    "Device": {
      "ArticleNumber": "",
      "ArticleStatus": "??",
      "Description": "",
      "DeviceType": "1:512",
      "IPAddressConfig": "0",
      "ImageTimestampReference": "1489579229",
      "Name": "New sensor",
      "OperatingMode": "0",
      "PasswordActivated": "false",
      "SessionTimeout": "30",
      "UpTime": "1.59972222222222"
    "Net": {
      "MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:54:09",
      "NetworkSpeed": "0",
      "StaticIPv4Address": "",
      "StaticIPv4Gateway": "",
      "StaticIPv4SubNetMask": "",
      "UseDHCP": "false"
    "_": {
      "Date": "Tue Mar 28 21:16:07 2017",
      "HWInfo": {
        "MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:54:09",
        "Mainboard": "#!03_M100_B01_12345678_008025483",
        "MiraSerial": "Not implemented"
      "SWVersion": {
        "Algorithm_Version": "0.1.3",
        "Calibration_Device": "00:02:01:40:54:09",
        "Calibration_Version": "0.0.1",
        "ELDK": "GOLDENEYE_YOCTO_HARDFP-273-06d9c894636352a6c93711c7284d02b0c794a527",
        "IFM_Software": "0.1.4",
        "Linux": "Linux version 3.14.34-rt31-yocto-standard-00016-g5121435-dirty (jenkins@dettlx152) (gcc version 4.9.2 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Mar 14 08:40:14 CET 2017",
        "Main_Application": "0.4.986"
      "ifm3d_version": 100

Redirecting the above serialized json to a file would allow you to edit camera parameters. Let's say you saved that data to a file called o3x.json and made some modifications. To commit those changes to the hardware, you would:

$ ifm3d config < o3x.json

You could also just edit a single parameter quite easily from the command line. Referring to our dump above where the camera is set to stream data at 5 Hz, if we wanted to step the frame rate up to 10 Hz, you could:

$ echo '{"Apps":[{"Index":"1","Imager":{"FrameRate":"10"}}]}' | ifm3d config

We can see that our setting took affect by dumping the camera configuration again. This time, we grep our output using the handy json filtering tool jq:

$ ifm3d dump | jq .ifm3d.Apps[0].Imager.FrameRate

You can see what else is available via the ifm3d tool by running:

$ ifm3d --help
ifm3d: version=0.3.0
usage: ifm3d [<global options>] <command> [<args>]

global options:
  -h [ --help ]            Produce this help message and exit
  --ip arg (= IP address of the sensor
  --xmlrpc-port arg (=80)  XMLRPC port of the sensor
  --password arg           Password for establishing an edit-session with the

These are common commands used in various situations:

    cp          Create a new application on the sensor,
                bootstrapped from a copy of an existing one.

    config      Configure sensor settings from a JSON description of
                the desired sensor state. See also `dump'.

    dump        Serialize the sensor state to JSON.

    export      Export an application or whole sensor configuration
                into a format compatible with ifm Vision Assistant.

    hz          Compute the actual frequency at which the FrameGrabber
                is running.

    import      Import an application or whole sensor configuration
                that is compatible with ifm Vision Assistant's export

    ls          Lists the applications currently installed on
                the sensor.

    reboot      Reboot the sensor, potentially into recovery
                mode. Recovery mode is useful for putting the
                sensor into a state where it can be flashed
                with new firmware.

    reset       Reset the sensor to factory defaults.

    rm          Deletes an application from the sensor.

    schema      Construct and analyze image acquisition schema masks.

    time        Get/set the current time on the camera.

    viewer      Stream and view real-time data from the camera.

For bug reports, please see:

We also note that every sub-command also accepts the --help argument. For example:

$ ifm3d reboot --help
usage: ifm3d [<global options>] reboot [<reboot options>]

global options:
  -h [ --help ]            Produce this help message and exit
  --ip arg (= IP address of the sensor
  --xmlrpc-port arg (=80)  XMLRPC port of the sensor
  --password arg           Password for establishing an edit-session with the

reboot options:
  -r [ --recovery ]     Reboot into recovery mode

Known Issues, Bugs, and our TODO list

Please see the Github Issue Tracker.


Please see the file called LICENSE.


Tom Panzarella tom@loveparkrobotics.com