IPv6 database server
Closed this issue · 9 comments
Noticed if we have a AAAA record on our host name B3 will not connect to the SQL server. I can connect directly to the SQL server using IPv6 fine.
Could you post a b3.log showing the problem?
Here is one log from a user reporting issues, I'm going to test it again.
150912 14:04:02 BOT 'www.bigbrotherbot.net (b3) v1.9.2 [nt] [PoisonIvy] [Win32 standalone]'
150912 14:04:02 BOT 'Python: 2.7.4 (default, Apr 6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]'
150912 14:04:02 BOT 'Default encoding: ascii'
150912 14:04:02 BOT 'Starting Cod6Parser v0.6 for server'
150912 14:04:02 BOT '--------------------------------------------'
150912 14:04:02 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db_name:******@db-pub.fr.bph.rocks/db_name...'
150912 14:04:03 ERROR 'Database connection failed, working in remote mode: (2003, "Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'db-pub.fr.bph.rocks\' (10061)") - [(\'b3\\\\storage\\\\database.pyo\', 243, \'connect\', None), (\'b3\\\\storage\\\\database.pyo\', 188, \'getConnection\', None), (\'MySQLdb\\\\__init__.pyo\', 81, \'Connect\', None), (\'MySQLdb\\\\connections.pyo\', 187, \'__init__\', None)]'
150912 14:04:03 BOT 'Game log C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\m2demo\\games_mp.log'
150912 14:04:03 BOT 'Starting bot reading file C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\m2demo\\games_mp.log'
150912 14:04:03 BOT 'rcon status Cache Expire Time: [2 sec] Type: [memory]'
150912 14:04:03 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'status'"
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugins (external plugin directory: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins)'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #1 admin [conf\\plugin_admin.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'AdminPlugin: Loading config conf\\plugin_admin.xml for AdminPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: ------ loading warn_reasons from config file ------'
150912 14:04:04 INFO "AdminPlugin: warn reason 'default' : (60.0, '^7behave yourself')"
150912 14:04:04 INFO "AdminPlugin: warn reason 'generic' : (60.0, '^7')"
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule9 3 hours \t"^3Rule #9: Do ^1NOT ^3fire at teammates or within 10 seconds of spawning" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule8 3 days \t"^3Rule #8: No profanity or offensive language (in any language)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule3 1 day \t"^3Rule #3: No arguing with admins (listen and learn or leave)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule2 1 day \t"^3Rule #2: No clan stacking, members must split evenly between the teams" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule1 1.4 week \t"^3Rule #1: No racism of any kind" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule7 1 day \t"^3Rule #7: No advertising or spamming of websites or servers" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule6 1 day \t"^3Rule #6: No recruiting for your clan, your server, or anything else" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule5 1 hour \t"^3Rule #5: No offensive or potentially offensive names, annoying names, or in-game (double caret (^)) color in names" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule4 1 day \t"^3Rule #4: No abusive language or behavior towards admins or other players" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: adv 1 day \t"^3Rule #7: No advertising or spamming of websites or servers" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: afk 5 minutes \t"^7you appear to be away from your keyboard" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: generic 1 hour \t"^7" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: ci 5 minutes \t"^7connection interupted, reconnect" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: racism 1.4 week \t"^3Rule #1: No racism of any kind" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: camp 1 hour \t"^7stop camping or you will be kicked!" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: sfire 3 hours \t"^3Rule #9: Do ^1NOT ^3fire at teammates or within 10 seconds of spawning" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: color 1 hour \t"^7No in-game (double caret (^)) color in names" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: tk 1 day \t"^7stop team killing!" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: nocmd 1 hour \t"^7do not use commands that you do not have access to, try using !help" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: spec 5 minutes \t"^7spectator too long on full server" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: lang 3 days \t"^3Rule #8: No profanity or offensive language (in any language)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: cuss 3 days \t"^3Rule #8: No profanity or offensive language (in any language)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: jerk 1 day \t"^3Rule #4: No abusive language or behavior towards admins or other players" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: fakecmd 1 hour \t"^7do not use fake commands" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: rule10 3 days \t"^3Rule #10: Offense players must play for the objective and support their team" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: stack 1 day \t"^3Rule #2: No clan stacking, members must split evenly between the teams" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: spawnfire 3 hours \t"^3Rule #9: Do ^1NOT ^3fire at teammates or within 10 seconds of spawning" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: obj 1 hour \t"^7go for the objective!" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: name 1 hour \t"^3Rule #5: No offensive or potentially offensive names, annoying names, or in-game (double caret (^)) color in names" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: language 3 days \t"^3Rule #8: No profanity or offensive language (in any language)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: default 1 hour \t"^7behave yourself" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: profanity 3 days \t"^3Rule #8: No profanity or offensive language (in any language)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: spam 1 hour \t"^7do not spam, shut-up!" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: recruit 1 day \t"^3Rule #6: No recruiting for your clan, your server, or anything else" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: badname 1 hour \t"^7No offensive, potentially offensive, or annoying names" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: spectator 5 minutes \t"^7spectator too long on full server" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: argue 1 day \t"^3Rule #3: No arguing with admins (listen and learn or leave)" '
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'AdminPlugin: -------------- warn_reasons loaded ----------------'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db_name:******@db-pub.fr.bph.rocks/db_name...'
150912 14:04:04 ERROR 'Error loading plugin admin'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "b3\parser.pyo", line 674, in loadPlugins
File "b3\plugin.pyo", line 56, in __init__
File "b3\plugin.pyo", line 115, in loadConfig
File "b3\plugins\admin.pyo", line 163, in onLoadConfig
File "b3\parser.pyo", line 895, in getGroupLevel
File "b3\decorators.pyo", line 60, in __call__
File "b3\parser.pyo", line 887, in getGroup
File "b3\storage\database.pyo", line 858, in getGroup
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getOneRow'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #2 xlrstats [C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\xlrstats.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'xlrstats is not a built-in plugin (No module named xlrstats)'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'trying external plugin directory : C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'XlrstatsPlugin: Loading config C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\xlrstats.xml for XlrstatsPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (False) for settings::silent'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (True) for settings::hide_bots'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (True) for settings::exclude_bots'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (2) for settings::assist_timespan'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (10) for settings::damage_assist_release'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (0) for settings::announce'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (1) for settings::keep_time'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_playerstats) for tables::playerstats'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_weaponstats) for tables::weaponstats'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_weaponusage) for tables::weaponusage'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_bodyparts) for tables::bodyparts'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_playerbody) for tables::playerbody'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_opponents) for tables::opponents'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_mapstats) for tables::mapstats'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_playermaps) for tables::playermaps'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_actionstats) for tables::actionstats'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_playeractions) for tables::playeractions'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_history_monthly) for tables::history_monthly'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (xlr_history_weekly) for tables::history_weekly'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'XlrstatsPlugin: Using default value (ctime) for tables::ctime'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: XlrstatsPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: XlrstatsPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin xlrstats (2.7.1 - Tim ter Laak / Mark Weirath) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #3 alteradmin [C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\alteradmin.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'alteradmin is not a built-in plugin (No module named alteradmin)'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'trying external plugin directory : C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'AlteradminPlugin: Loading config C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\alteradmin.xml for AlteradminPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: AlteradminPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: AlteradminPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin alteradmin (2.19 - iain17) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #4 fusion [C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\fusion.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'fusion is not a built-in plugin (No module named fusion)'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'trying external plugin directory : C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'FusionPlugin: Loading config C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\fusion.xml for FusionPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: FusionPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: FusionPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin fusion (1.0.0 - Fl0w) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #5 firstkill [C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\firstkill.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'firstkill is not a built-in plugin (No module named firstkill)'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'trying external plugin directory : C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'FirstkillPlugin: Loading config C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins\\conf\\firstkill.xml for FirstkillPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: FirstkillPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: FirstkillPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin firstkill (1.4.1 - PtitBigorneau www.ptitbigorneau.fr) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin #6 duel [C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\conf\\plugin_duel.xml]'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'duel is not a built-in plugin (No module named duel)'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'trying external plugin directory : C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\extplugins'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'DuelPlugin: Loading config C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656\\b3\\conf\\plugin_duel.xml for DuelPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'DuelPlugin: No config file found for DuelPlugin. (was not required either)'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: DuelPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: DuelPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin duel (1.1 - Courgette) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Loading Plugin publist'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'PublistPlugin: No config file found for PublistPlugin. (was not required either)'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Stop Process: PublistPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Register Event: Program Exit: PublistPlugin'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Plugin publist (1.10.2 - ThorN, Courgette) loaded'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'creating the event queue with size 50'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Starting parser'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Client Connected: [-1] World - WORLD ({})'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Storage: getClient Client<@0:WORLD|WORLD:"World":-1>'
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db_name:******@db-pub.fr.bph.rocks/db_name...'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG "User not found WORLD: 'No client matching guid WORLD in admins_cache'"
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Client not found in the storage WORLD, create new'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Storage: setClient Client<@0:WORLD|WORLD:"World":-1>'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG "Storage: setClient data {'time_add': 1442063044, 'password': '', 'time_edit': 1442063044, 'name': 'World', 'group_bits': 0, 'ip': '', 'greeting': '', 'auto_login': 1, 'connections': 1, 'mask_level': 0, 'login': '', 'guid': 'WORLD', 'pbid': 'WORLD'}"
150912 14:04:04 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db_name:******@db-pub.fr.bph.rocks/db_name...'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Client Authorized: [-1] World - WORLD'
150912 14:04:04 INFO 'map is: mp_rust'
150912 14:04:04 DEBUG 'Forcing server cvar g_logsync to 1'
150912 14:04:04 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'set g_logsync 1'"
150912 14:04:05 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_game'"
150912 14:04:05 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_game = ["fs_game" is: "^7" default: "^7"\n Domain is any text\n\x00]'
150912 14:04:05 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_basepath'"
150912 14:04:06 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_basepath = ["fs_basepath" is: "C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656^7" default: "C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656^7"\n Domain is any text\n\x00]'
150912 14:04:06 DEBUG 'fs_basepath: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656'
150912 14:04:06 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_homepath'"
150912 14:04:07 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_homepath = ["fs_homepath" is: "C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656^7" default: "C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656^7"\n Domain is any text\n\x00]'
150912 14:04:07 DEBUG 'fs_homepath: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\user\\656'
150912 14:04:07 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'shortversion'"
150912 14:04:08 DEBUG 'Get cvar shortversion = ["shortversion" is: "1.0^7" default: "1.0^7"\n Domain is any text\n\x00]'
150912 14:04:08 DEBUG 'shortversion: 1.0'
150912 14:04:08 DEBUG 'Parser started.'
150912 14:04:08 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'sv_hostname'"
150912 14:04:09 DEBUG 'Get cvar sv_hostname = ["sv_hostname" is: "^2R^7e^1Generation ^3Clan ^6ITA^7" default: "CoD4Host^7"\n Domain is any text\n\x00]'
150912 14:04:09 DEBUG 'sv_hostname: ^2R^7e^1Generation ^3Clan ^6ITA'
150912 14:04:09 BOT 'Starting plugins'
150912 14:04:09 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'say ^7(^2Kil^7ler^1B3^7): ^8www.bigbrotherbot.net ^0(^8b3^0) ^9v1.9.2 [nt] ^9[^3PoisonIvy^9]^3 ^2[ONLINE]'"
150912 14:04:09 INFO 'STDOUT "Error: \'admin\'"'
150912 14:04:09 INFO "STDOUT '\\n'"
150912 14:04:09 ERROR "STDERR 'Traceback (most recent call last):\\n'"
150912 14:04:09 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\__init__.pyo", line 182, in start\\n\''
150912 14:04:09 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 520, in start\\n\''
150912 14:04:09 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 780, in startPlugins\\n\''
150912 14:04:09 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 770, in start_plugin\\n\''
150912 14:04:09 ERROR 'STDERR "KeyError: \'admin\'\\n"'
Just tested another server with a direct IPv6 address and no commands work in game
0915 19:52:19 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db778:******@2001d0:d:2238::db:1/db778...'
150915 19:52:19 DEBUG "User not found WORLD: 'No client matching guid WORLD in admins_cache'"
150915 19:52:19 BOT 'Client not found in the storage WORLD, create new'
150915 19:52:19 DEBUG 'Storage: setClient Client<@0:WORLD|WORLD:"World":-1>'
150915 19:52:19 DEBUG "Storage: setClient data {'time_add': 1442343139, 'password': '', 'time_edit': 1442343139, 'name': 'World', 'group_bits': 0, 'ip': '', 'greeting': '', 'auto_login': 1, 'connections': 1, 'mask_level': 0, 'login': '', 'guid': 'WORLD', 'pbid': 'WORLD'}"
150915 19:52:19 BOT 'Attempting to connect to database mysql://db778:******@2001d0:d:2238::db:1/db778...'
150915 19:52:19 DEBUG 'Client Authorized: [-1] World - WORLD'
150915 19:52:19 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'status'"
150915 19:52:20 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:20 DEBUG 'Forcing server cvar g_logsync to 1'
150915 19:52:20 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'set g_logsync 1'"
150915 19:52:20 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:20 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_game'"
150915 19:52:21 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:21 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_game = []'
150915 19:52:21 WARNING 'Could not query server for fs_game'
150915 19:52:21 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_basepath'"
150915 19:52:22 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:22 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_basepath = []'
150915 19:52:22 WARNING 'Could not query server for fs_basepath'
150915 19:52:22 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'fs_homepath'"
150915 19:52:23 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:23 DEBUG 'Get cvar fs_homepath = []'
150915 19:52:23 WARNING 'Could not query server for fs_homepath'
150915 19:52:23 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'shortversion'"
150915 19:52:24 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:24 DEBUG 'Get cvar shortversion = []'
150915 19:52:24 WARNING 'Could not query server for shortversion'
150915 19:52:24 DEBUG 'Parser started.'
150915 19:52:24 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'sv_hostname'"
150915 19:52:24 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
150915 19:52:24 DEBUG 'Get cvar sv_hostname = []'
150915 19:52:24 WARNING 'Could not query server for sv_hostname'
150915 19:52:24 BOT 'Starting plugins'
150915 19:52:24 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'say ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^8www.bigbrotherbot.net ^0(^8b3^0) ^9v1.9.2 [nt] ^9[^3PoisonIvy^9]^3 ^2[ONLINE]'"
150915 19:52:24 INFO 'STDOUT "Error: \'admin\'"'
150915 19:52:24 INFO "STDOUT '\\n'"
150915 19:52:24 ERROR "STDERR 'Traceback (most recent call last):\\n'"
150915 19:52:24 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\__init__.pyo", line 182, in start\\n\''
150915 19:52:24 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 520, in start\\n\''
150915 19:52:24 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 780, in startPlugins\\n\''
150915 19:52:24 ERROR 'STDERR \' File "b3\\\\parser.pyo", line 770, in start_plugin\\n\''
150915 19:52:24 ERROR 'STDERR "KeyError: \'admin\'\\n"'
150915 19:52:25 VERBOSE 'No readable socket'
Commands do not work because the admin plugin is not being loaded because of the dbms connection failing. What you can do is upgrade your B3 to version 1.10.6 beta which makes use of pymysql (and as stated here support for ipv6 has been added and should work).
Tested that version and it also fails.
150915 22:35:18 BOT 'www.bigbrotherbot.net (b3) v1.10.6 [AngryBiscuit] [nt32]'
150915 22:35:18 BOT 'Python: 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]'
150915 22:35:18 BOT 'Default encoding: ascii'
150915 22:35:18 BOT 'Starting Cod6Parser v0.7 for server (autorestart = OFF)'
150915 22:35:18 BOT '--------------------------------------------'
150915 22:35:18 BOT 'Connecting to MySQL database: mysql://db778:******@2001:41d0:d:2238::db:1/db778...'
150915 22:35:20 ERROR 'Database connection failed: working in remote mode: (2003, "Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'2001\' ([Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed)") - [(\'c:\\\\jenkins_slave\\\\workspace\\\\B3-beta-release\\\\b3\\\\storage\\\\mysql.py\', 287, \'connect\', None), (\'C:\\\\Python27\\\\lib\\\\site-packages\\\\pymysql\\\\__init__.py\', 88, \'Connect\', None), (\'C:\\\\Python27\\\\lib\\\\site-packages\\\\pymysql\\\\connections.py\', 644, \'__init__\', None), (\'C:\\\\Python27\\\\lib\\\\site-packages\\\\pymysql\\\\connections.py\', 869, \'_connect\', None)]'
150915 22:35:20 BOT 'Game log is: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\mlwalk3r\\778\\data\\games_mp.log'
150915 22:35:20 BOT u'Starting bot reading file: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\mlwalk3r\\778\\data\\games_mp.log'
150915 22:35:20 BOT 'Rcon status cache expire time: [2 sec] Type: [False]'
150915 22:35:20 BOT 'Game name is: cod6'
150915 22:35:20 VERBOSE "RCON sending ( 'status'"
150915 22:35:21 BOT u'Loading plugins (external plugin directory: C:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\mlwalk3r\\778\\b3\\extplugins)'
150915 22:35:21 WARNING u'Could not find specified configuration file conf\\plugin_admin.xml for plugin admin'
150915 22:35:21 ERROR 'Could not load plugin admin'
Well there's nothing we can fix on our side. You can make use of an SQLite database. I can see from your log file that you also have a problem in your b3 configuration (plugin admin config seems missing).
Hmm was IPv6 support tested? and "plugin admin config seems missing" not really important when the db doesn't connect.
You should ask to pymysql developers about that. B3 1.10 can work without a DB connection using an SQLite database (in that case it will matter).
Manged to get it working (on the current stable release), turns out some settings never changed in the my.cnf. listening address need to be "bind-address = :: not"
Thanks for the help.