
BFBC2 Issues 223 and Errno 10061

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I can connect and play on server and BFBC2CC and Procon can connect and running.
But B3 Bigbrotherbot wont run.

Hope you can help me.

Console Printout
Loading Plugins : ..................... (19)
press any key to continue ...

-port 11111 -numGameClientSlots 32 -region EU -heartBeatInterval 20000 -ServerAdminLogs 1 -StatusLogs 1 -displayAsserts 1 -displayErrors 1 -crashDumpErrors 1 -mapPack2Enabled 1

ServerOptions.ini :

Port = 11111
RemoteAdminPort = 22222
RemoteAdminPassword = 1234

B3 Config:
set name=rcon_password 1234
set name=port 11111
set name=game_log C:\XXXXXXX\XXXXX\RuntimeLog_XXXXXXXXX_server.log
set name=rcon_ip

But i always recieve:
190312 23:00:24 VERBOSE 'RCON: connecting to Frostbite server ...'
190312 23:00:24 DEBUG 'opening FrostbiteConnection socket'
190312 23:00:25 INFO "STDOUT 'ERROR: [Errno 10061] Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte'"
190312 23:00:25 INFO "STDOUT '\n'"
190312 23:00:25 ERROR "STDERR 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n'"
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\", line 328, in start\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\", line 468, in start\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\", line 131, in startup\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\frostbite\\", line 115, in startup\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\", line 180, in checkVersion\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\frostbite\\", line 79, in write\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\frostbite\\", line 63, in _connect\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\frostbite\\", line 75, in init\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR 'STDERR ' File "C:\\Users\\jenkins\\Downloads\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\frostbite\\", line 93, in _connect\n''
190312 23:00:25 ERROR "STDERR 'FrostbiteException: [Errno 10061] Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte\n'"
190312 23:00:25 DEBUG 'closing FrostbiteConnection socket'
190312 23:00:31 BOT 'Shutting down...'
190312 23:00:31 INFO 'StatusPlugin: B3 stop/exit.. updating status'
190312 23:00:31 DEBUG 'StatusPlugin: writing XML status to /status.xml'
190312 23:00:31 ERROR "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '

German: Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte
English Translation: Unable to connect because the target computer refused to connect

Try setting the B3 port to the remote admin port

set name=rcon_ip - change to outer ip