
Big Brother Bot (B3) as Docker

Freekers opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Since the main website / forum is down, I don't know what would be the appropriate place to post this.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I revamped the Big Brother Bot (B3) Docker made by @combro2k 5 years ago. It's now up to date with the latest B3 release and uses the latest Ubuntu image. If you're interested you can check it out here:

whoot whoot :-O
Good work. Haven't used it for ages @Freekers
I would suggest looking at alpine. You can find some examples in my dockerfiles repo:

A blast from the past, isn't it ;) ? I'll look into the alpine image. I was too lazy to find the appropriate alpine packages and just slapped the last ubuntu on it, but for the sake of efficiency and minimalism, I agree alpine is the best way forward :)

I will probably have a look at it, and let you test it. Will bootstrap something for you.
It's pretty easy to make containers for me. I basically use my alpine-base with an s6 overlay
which have a /etc/cont-init.d/* scripts where you can do the config checking and such.
the /etc/services.d/name/run is the start script like the conventional way of sysv.
The other thing is the entrypoint is the wrapper and everything can be run as a CMD and still the services can run as expected.
By the end of this week I will have a quick look at it and prep something for you ;-)

Cool! Because for me it would come down to mainly trail and error with regards to finding the correct packages. I don't have any experience yet with s6, but I'm willing to learn, so I'll definitely look into that!

Slightly offtopic, but do you have your own Jenkins server to build all those images or do you rely on Dockerhub?

I use docker hub to build it, but also try it first locally on my virtualmachine locally.
I've made a small start which I will continue later. You can shortly check it out now ;-)

FYI I work at a hosting company so most of my time I work inside docker and/or Linux VM's :-P

Awesome! Looking forward to it.

That explains a lot ;)

Will reply here when I believe it's testable,
To be continued ;-)