
XLRStats Webfront v3 issue

Opened this issue · 2 comments

obteo commented

Hi guys! I'm tring to get back the XLRStats webfront V.3 but I get this error:

Fatal error: Cannot use 'String' as class name as it is reserved in /home/.../public_html/stats/lib/Cake/Utility/String.php on line 25

Fatal error: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved in /home/.../public_html/stats/lib/Cake/Core/Object.php on line 31

Have you any idea please? My webserver runs with php5.6 and 5.7.32 - MySQL

Thank you!!

Hey obteo Im on Debian 10 php 8.0 and have the same, almost:
Fatal error: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved in /somewhere/blabla/html/xlrstats/lib/Cake/Core/Object.php on line 31

Hope someone can help

the problem from PHP version, try to host it with PHP5